Instead of continuing to wonder who our children look like, I've decided to do a bit of investigating to determine who (or whom?) Canon and Tera resemble most.
We'll start with Baby Canon:
Now Baby Barry:
And Baby Deborah:
Though he inherited a lot from us both, I think he looked more like me as a baby. His face is round like mine, and his nose turns up a little. Even our eyes look very similar.
As Canon gets older, things change a bit.
Here is Barry at about 22 months (I'm making this assumption based on the Christmas tree in the background. It might be closer to his third birthday instead of his second though).
Canon is a little younger here - about 16 months old - but more similarities are starting to appear. The droopy eyes, especially.
This is me at 16 months old.
And I thought this picture looked most like the one above. Still beginning to resemble Barry more and more though.
Which brings us to Present-Day Canon:
Barry is four (or almost four) here, so we can refer to the one above if needed.
Two-Year-Old Deborah, still sporting the Cheek Chub.
And three-year-old Deborah.
I can only assume that Barry and I will be taking a similar picture in the months to come.
Still safe to say that Canon is probably going to end up looking most like his Daddy, though he started out with a lot more of his Mom than most of us thought. There is a picture hanging in Barry's grandmother's house that was taken when Barry was about three, I think. It looks A LOT like Canon . . . especially the eyes, of course.
Now for Baby Tera.
Here is Baby Barry again:
This is Barry at 5 1/2 months, just one month older than Tera is now.
What a chunker!!
And Baby Tera again.
No . . . wait. That's me!! After spending so much time in the hospital thinking that Tera looked just like her Daddy, I was surprised when I saw this picture of me. I know it won't last, but I think I definitely win the prize for look-a-like with this baby girl.
Well, Canon and I both win it I guess. Baby Canon and Baby Tera look almost identical.
After my investigation, my conclusion is that while our babies initially look more like their Mom, with age, their looks will take a dramatic spiral downwards and end up resembling their Daddy.
Only two things are for sure. Both babies have looked like this . . .
. . . and neither will ever look like this!