Sunday, February 20, 2011

This is Me at (Almost) Two Years Old

Recently, Canon has had overnight stays with both sets of grandparents. To prepare them for this adventure, Canon created a short instruction manual for how to best keep him happy while he was visiting. This is that instruction manual:

During the week, Mom tries to put me down anytime between 7:00 and 8:00, but this is mostly because I have to get up early the next day. On weekends, I'm usually up until after 9:00, but that's only because Mom and Dad think I will let them sleep later than usual. Sometimes I let them, but other times I'm up at 7:00! So basically, you can put me to bed anytime that is convenient for you, and I will wake up when it is convenient for me.

How I Get Ready for Bed
First, Mom lets me have a little bit of milk. Then we have to brush my teeth. I get to do it myself first. Then it's Mommy's Turn, and she finishes the job.
After brushing my teeth, I get to read some books. I usually read two or three before I read my big Elmo book so that I can say Night-Night to Elmo. Then it's lights out.
I like for Mom to rock me for a few minutes before she puts me in bed. While she rocks, I usually ask her to sing "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands." I hold my hands out and say "Whole? Whole?" or "Whole Wool" to let her know I'm ready to start it. We sing about everybody in the family: Canon and Tera; Mama and Daddy; Doc and MyGoo (Da Gjoo); Nonna and Poppa; Steiney, Jason, MeMe, and Ceil; Leslie, Grant, and Xan; Robert, Dauren, Graham, and Avett; Aunt Lydia; Trey, Michele, and Kaden. It can take awhile, especially if we add some of our friends to the list. If we have time, she'll also sing "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes." Then, after saying our prayers, I lay down for bed. I might cry for a minute or two, but I'm ok! Just getting used to the dark!
Mom is perfectly fine with me trying anything, but these are the things that I will usually eat with no big fuss: NutriGrain bars, pizza, chicken fingers, French Fries, grilled cheese, quesadilla, pb&j, bananas, oranges, grapes, strawberries, yogurt, and apple sauce. These are the things that I will eat sometimes, but there's no guarantee: green beans, mac & cheese, apples (with the skin cut off, please!), and rice.
If you can somehow talk my teacher, Ms. Cindy, into coming and staying with us, I'll eat anything!

I love my iXL and will play it for awhile, but I may ask for help on occasion. I wish I had a better way of asking, but it will usually come out as a grunt until you figure out what I want. I also like to color, read, and play with puzzles. Playing outside is my absolute favorite thing to do though! "Woo-y" is my favorite toy, so sometimes I'll carry him around just for fun. The Tupperware cabinet is still a fun place to play sometimes. If you need an extended break, you can put in any Toy Story movie, and I'll be good until it's over. I also like to watch Thomas the Train, though I get bored with it more easily than with Buzz and Woody.

Right now, I am really trying hard to say lots of things, but I can tell that Mom and Dad don't understand a lot of it. Here are some translations that Mom has managed to make but that may not be obvious to outsiders.
What I Say / What it Means
Bucks / Truck
Hatch / Hat
Babby / Abby (purple Sesame Street character)
Zjoey / Zoe (orange Sesame Street character)
Da Gjoo / MyGoo
Boo Bar / Fruit Bar (refers to a Nutrigrain bar)
Shacks / Snack (usually refers to fruit snacks)
La Loo / I love you!
Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch / Refers to a toothbrush or brushing teeth
As for the rest, you'll just have to hope I'm in the near vicinity of what I want so that you can try to figure out what I'm saying. Like Daddy was at my age, I sometimes say what something sounds like instead of saying its name ("choo choo" instead of train), but I'm still learning. Geez! I'm only two!

Everything Else
I don't always remember to use my manners, so Mom and Dad are constantly reminding me to say "please" and "thank you." I'm also supposed to say "yes ma'am" and "yes sir" but that's a little harder to remember.
If I'm not getting what I want, I'll try to pitch a fit, but stay strong. I give in pretty quickly and will usually do what you want. You might either have to bribe me with something good (like Buzz or Woody) or threaten me with something bad (like Time Out or Night Night), but I'll usually give in. You'll definitely have to talk me down from my dramatic outbursts from time to time, but overall I'm a pretty cool kid. We're going to have a great time together!

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