Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Birthday, Barry!

After our eventful weekend in North Carolina, we didn't think Barry's birthday could be very exciting. We were right! But I was determined to make it at least a little bit special for him. So, after work, I picked Canon up from Mrs. Sharon, then went to kidnap Barry from work to take him to dinner. We took him to the Red Elephant, a new restaurant in town that serves pizza, salads, and delicious funnel cakes! They were having their Grand Opening, and were eager to try it. Eric and Lauren went with us to celebrate.

After dinner, Barry and Canon wrestled around on the bed for awhile. As you may know, this is Canon's favorite place to play. There have been times where he has stood beside the bed, reaching up and whining to get up there. It's his own personal playground.
We don't mind too much, though. If it's getting late, and we need to wear him out quickly, we just throw him up there and toss some pillows at him. Here is a video of Canon and Barry wrestling the night of B's birthday. I didn't think anything of it while I was recording, but watching it later I realized how rough they play. Canon doesn't seem to mind, so I guess I can't be too worried.

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