Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Barry Put Up a Good Fight, But . . .

I'm finally allowed to tell everybody that I'm pregnant! Baby #2 is due May 29, 2011. I'm already known as the Good Little Teacher for planning it so well. The truth is, I didn't really think about when the birthday would be. I just knew that I was ready to keep the family growing. Once Barry jumped on board, it all worked out this way.
This pregnancy has been much like the first. I haven't had any morning sickness, though I did have a stomach virus for a few hours recently. I'm tired a lot, much like the first time around. I think some of this is due to the fact that I haven't been exercising like I should. There just don't seem to be enough hours in the day, but . . . excuses, excuses. I definitely have less self-control. I've let myself eat pretty much whatever I want. While I try to sneak in some variations of health from time to time, it's mostly a cereal and snack diet these days.
Another similarity to the first pregnancy is my delay in finding out. With Canon, I went in for an ultrasound at six weeks, only to find out I was actually nine weeks! With this pregnancy, I was monitoring things much more closely so that I wouldn't make that mistake again. I found out I was pregnant on October 1, and because I knew I wasn't very far along (I had taken a few tests in weeks past), I decided to wait until my Fall Break to go to the doctor. I thought I remembered from my first pregnancy that they won't do an ultrasound until six weeks anyway, so I didn't feel there was any need to go in just to urinate on a stick. So, I waited out the next two weeks.
The first Sunday of my Fall Break, I had a major scare. I started bleeding. It seemed heavy at the time, but thinking back on it now it wasn't that bad. It was enough to scare me, though, so Barry called my doctor for reassurance. Of course, there's not much he could tell me over the phone. I went to his office the next day expecting the worst. We had the ultrasound first. For some reason, Barry was held up at work, so I went in alone. He showed up a few minutes later but not before I found out that everything was absolutely perfect! And better yet, I was not four weeks pregnant like I originally thought. I was seven weeks! I had done it again. I promise I'm not a complete idiot. But apparently, my body is!
So Baby #2 is on the way, and my nearly Terrible Two-year-old is completely unpredictable at this point. He changes from day to day, so there is no telling what he will be like in May. I just have to remind myself that thousands of women (including my own mother, mother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, and two grandmothers) have done this and survived. I will survive!

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