Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Halloween Story: Putting That Hair to Good Use

You may remember the "awesome" haircut that Barry forced upon my child about a month ago. When deciding on Canon's Halloween costume, this was the main focus of our inspiration. The idea was to go with Biker. My friend, Brandy, had a motorcycle that he could wear. All we had to do was come up with the clothing portion of the costume. I thought we had it pretty nailed down until we actually dressed him up. He looked more like trailer trash than a biker.
First, the hair . . .

Now the clothes . . .
He's wearing jeans and a white t-shirt that I cut the sleeves from. I made an "I love Mom" tattoo on his arm with black lipstick. There is barbed wire on the other side.
And now the full costume . . .
He looks pretty tough next to our Strawberry Princess, Ava. He hated wearing the motorcycle. It was pretty heavy, so we just set him down inside of it on the ground. He cried a good bit at first, but one he found the candy, he was good to go. Canon really doesn't like candy. He'll eat suckers, but that's about it. On this night, he would grab candy from one of our dozens of bowls and baskets (we had lots of friends come to hang out, and everyone brought tons of candy) then bite into it through the wrapper. After giving a look of disgust, he would toss the candy back in the bowl. We tried to be good about getting those pieces out, but there is no telling what some poor children took away with them.

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