Saturday, March 5, 2011

Baby Breaths

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Psalm 150:6

This verse was screaming at me this morning as I sat down to write.

Day of Life: 11

What Happened Last Night
Tera got a new bed! I think that's about the most exciting new event of the evening. She did very well off the CPAP, only desat-ing one time but able to bring herself back.

When I got in this morning, this is what I found.
An unnecessary CPAP and ventilator machine. Praise God!
Oh, and I also found this:

Do you notice how the tubes just keep going away. From what I can tell, she's got a feeding tube in her mouth, a TC line connected to her back (that's what's coming out of her diaper), a line that keeps up with her heart rate that is attached to her foot, and a PICC Line in her arm. Oh, and don't forget the cool shades. She looks so much more comfortable now. And, my prayers have been answered. The pig nose didn't stick!
Here is a video of her breathing on her own.

The Plan for Today

It's hard to make a plan for watching, but I think that's what we'll be doing today. Tera has gained 10 grams since last night, bringing her up to a whopping 980 grams. The docs increased her feeds to 5cc. Because they have withheld her feeds twice now, I am always so excited with any milk she gets. I thought it was helping to fatten her up. Bob disappointed me yesterday when he told me how little the milk was really effecting her weight. Of course, its great for her health and development, but she won't be the chubby baby I'm hoping for anytime soon.

The nurse's physical exam showed an improved heart murmur. You can't always tell by the murmur if the PDA is there, but it's a good indication that it is. An echo will tell us for sure later. The decision to hold off on another round of Ibuprofen is standing because of how well she is doing otherwise.

What Actually Happened Today

I arrived at the hospital around 8:15. Lydia dropped me off on her way to work. Nonna is staying with Canon all day because Barry still does not want to take the chance of being around us. This is the first time I have been here alone, and I'm enjoying it. Things are very calm today as far as Tera is concerned, so I have time to watch her and write about her. My sister came in about 10:00 with her two girls. I was so disappointed to learn that the girls were not allowed to go in Tera's room. Of course, I understand, but it was so disheartening that they drove this far and couldn't see her. Ann Steiner was still able to come back and look at her again. She met her for the first time right before she was air-lifted to UAB on Tuesday night. We took the girls to McAlister's where we met up with my friend, Jenny, and her family. I haven't seen Jenny in over a year, and it was so sweet of her to drive all this way to visit.

Then, we went to Lydia's so the girls could play with Canon.

Then it was back to the hospital for me to sit some more and watch. I know people say that you could go stir crazy - and I probably will at some point - but it really just doesn't bother me to sit here with her. How do you get tired of this?

1 comment:

  1. Love the updates and today's verse was so very appropriate. Praying for all of I'll be happy to go over and lay out Canon's clothes for the week for Barry! Haha! Bless you all, your strength amazes me.
